Identify anonymous people (not just companies) who visit your website but don't fill out forms.

Other platforms identify companies behind anonymous website visits. The B2B Identity Pixel goes further by identifying exact people, including their Linkedin profiles, business emails, mobile numbers, and more, in real-time. Free trial. Plans start at $99/mo.
For Shopify stores using Klaviyo.

Ad costs are skyrocketing and ROAS is plunging

You're spending more money than ever driving shoppers to your store, only to have the majority of shoppers abandon. To make things worse, it's getting far more difficult to retarget these abandoners.
higher ad costs compared to pre iOS 14.5
  smaller ad retargeting audiences due to iOS 14.5 restrictions.  
in abandonment revenue lost by Ecommerce brands each year
of mobile shoppers abandon their shopping carts
of shoppers buy from a competitor after abandoning
Real-time feed of your anonymous site visitors who don't fill out forms
Get instant access to a real-time feed of the exact people browsing your site, including each individual's verified contact info. Cut through the noise and automatically curate a pre-qualified feed of identified website visitors who meet your exact ICP.

Ad costs are skyrocketing and ROAS is plunging

You're spending more money than ever driving shoppers to your store, only to have the majority of shoppers abandon. To make things worse, it's getting far more difficult to retarget these abandoners.
higher ad costs compared to pre iOS 14.5
  smaller ad retargeting audiences due to iOS 14.5 restrictions.  
in abandonment revenue lost by Ecommerce brands each year
of mobile shoppers abandon their shopping carts
of shoppers buy from a competitor after abandoning
Get notified when qualified leads visit your site and take specific actions
Leverage intelligent site visitor notifications to engage with specific identified site visitors at the right time, on the right channel, with the content they're most interested in. Notify your sales team in real-time via your CRM, Slack, or email when specific leads in their pipeline are on your site so they can be nudged forward.
Sync directly with your CRM
Automatically push net-new qualified leads into your CRM and provide your sales team with a consistent flow of high quality opportunities. Sync target ABM accounts and notify account owners in real-time when specific individuals from those accounts are browsing your site, with full context.
Connect with identified high-intent leads using outreach automation via Instantly.ai, Smartlead, and others.
Send personalized one-to-one email outreach sequences and connection requests, all on autopilot, using our outreach integrations.
How does it work?
1) Install our one-line script directly into the header of your site or via GTM. Takes 5 minutes.

2) Connect to your CRM via one-click integration.

3) Start identifying full individual-level profiles of your anonymous website traffic, not just company name via IP.


What is B2B Identity Pixel pricing?

We offer month-to-month plans starting at $99/mo with a generous free trial. Learn more here.

How does person-level website visitor identification work?

We use visitors’ online behavior signals to correlate their data with existing profiles within our partner network. Our platform processes hundreds of millions of email validation signals while leveraging an industry-leading identity graph to triangulate base user elements and tie multiple elements together confirming identities. We validate emails through email sends and phone numbers through human dials. After a successful match, we enrich the identified profile with professional details sourced from LinkedIn and other databases.  After validating the enriched profile and ensuring it meets your site’s specific needs, the B2B Identity Pixel securely transmits this actionable insight to you, enabling targeted engagement. 

What makes B2B Identity Pixel different from other identification tools?

Unlike other tools that just identify the companies visiting your site, the B2B Identity Pixel reveals the exact individual that was on your site. We are also very proud of our identification technology, which resolves visitors at an exceptional rate, as well as our white glove service. We will make sure you get set up quickly and effortlessly and get the most out of the B2B Identity Pixel without having to learn a new system and fumble around alone reading help docs. 

We realized early on that simply dumping data on the sales team is not a recipe for success. This is why we offer white glove service to help guide your team as to the best way to leverage the data you will receive from the B2B Identity Pixel, be it automated email or LinkedIn outreach to your anonymized visitors, upselling, gauging intent, integrations, channel attribution, custom approaches, etc. 

What information can I learn about my website visitors using the B2B Identity Pixel?

The B2B Identity Pixel reveals contact information for your website visitors that have expressed interest in your offer by perusing your site (but haven't directly submitted their contact information through forms and otherwise would remain entirely anonymous). For most leads you get one or more of the following details: first and last name, job title, Linkedin profile URL and bio, business and personal email address, mobile phone number, physical address, company revenue, number of employees, pages viewed, number of visits and time on site. Additional details, e.g., gender, age group, etc., are available upon request.

How can I use the B2B Identity Pixel to drive more leads and appointments?

B2B Identity Pixel leads have already expressed interest in your offer by visiting your site but ultimately left without submitting their information. Something stopped them from booking a meeting or signing up there on the spot. They may have an unanswered question or they might have been interrupted while browsing your site. Irrespective of the reason, now that you are aware of their interest and you have their contact information from the B2B Identity Pixel, you can readily reach out to them via email or Linkedin, either manually or automatically using our built-in outreach automation platform. Some businesses reach out with a friendly offer to answer any open questions, sometimes with additional materials relating to the pages visited, while others include an incentive. You will have to experiment to see what type of follow up is best received by your visitors.

You can also leverage the B2B Identity Pixel lead data to evaluate the true effectiveness of your different marketing channels. In a world where accurate marketing attribution data is hard to come by, the B2B Identity Pixel provides true visibility. Filter your B2B Identity Pixel leads by UTM source and you will quickly arrive at which channel is sending the more valuable leads. 

How do I make sure I only retarget the highest intent visitors?

To start, folks visiting your site have already expressed interest in your offering so the leads provided by the B2B Identity Pixel are not at all cold. With that said, caution is always useful when doing outreach to ensure continued high deliverability and low spam rates. As a starting point, B2B Identity Pixel automatically validates all emails provided to ensure that they are live and recently active. We also have additional settings that can be leveraged to further narrow the send pool. For example, you can opt to limit leads to those with validated emails that spent at least 5 minutes browsing, clicked at least 2 or 3 times and/or browsed at least 2 pages of your site. Just tell us what you want and we can get this all set up for you and we can work with you to optimize for your site.

Can I leverage the B2B Identity Pixel to improve my advertising audiences?

Absolutely! The B2B Identity Pixel allows you to create an audience segment of users who have frequently visited your website and shown interest in a certain product or service. You can then use that segment to run targeted ads or promotions related to that product or service.  Additionally, you can identify users who have not yet converted and target them with specific ads and offers to encourage them to take the next step. This is significantly more effective than solely relying on the frequently blocked pixels provided natively by the ad platforms.

Is the B2B Identity Pixel GDPR compliant?

GDPR is a European data privacy regulation. It is not applicable to technology, such as the B2B Identity Pixel, which only identifies visitors from the US.

How can California residents exercise their rights under CCPA?

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), residents of California have the right to stop businesses from selling their personal information. If you're a California resident and wish to exercise this right, you can opt-out by sending an email to max+privacy@getgobot.com or clicking here. In your email, state your request to withdraw consent for the resale of your personal information to third-parties. You are also permitted to appoint someone to act on your behalf for this specific purpose. Please include the email address of the person opting out in the email.  Personal information provided in your opt-out email will be used exclusively to process your request.

Do you identify visitors that visit my site from outside the United States?

No, the B2B Identity Pixel only identifies visitors from the US.

What is our origin story?

We have been successfully supporting online businesses since 2017. Our Identity Pixel has been an absolute hit growing revenue and first-party audiences like no other platform, originally for B2C eCommerce businesses in particular. The tool proved so useful that our own sales team started to use it to identify and follow-up with folks visiting our own website, enabling us to rapidly grow a multi seven figure ARR SaaS business using our own technology. We quite literally ate our own dog food. After realizing the amazing potential of this tool in the Business-to-Business (B2B) space, we invested significantly in expanding the tool to meet the needs of the B2B world. Given our own team’s success using the Identity Pixel in the B2B setting we are confident it will prove useful for your business.

Don't just trust us. Make us prove it. Free trial on us.